The Center for Technology Research and Innovation (CETRI) is located in Cyprus. The main purpose of CETRI is to provide engineering excellence, which is efficiently achieved by offering cost effective solutions for entrepreneurs, independent enterprises and academic institutions. Our main scope is to help companies and public institutions to implement technological innovations. CETRI was founded by a group of professionals and academics who collaborated together for years at established technology research institutions and have built on that experience to provide great service and insight to help clients navigate the technology and innovation landscape.

CETRI is in close collaboration with companies and public institutions in the implementation of technological innovations area, enabling them to strengthen their competitive position over long-term. It is our aim to find concrete solutions to the real challenges facing European entrepreneurs. Moreover, CERTI has participated in various R&D projects with partners covered all over Europe.

Role in Project: CETRI will be leading the following tasks:

  • LCA with energy, cost and social considerations
  • Development of the Plan for Use and Dissemination of the Knowledge (PUDF)
  • Innovation Management
  • Data Management Plan
  • Communication Activities

Additionally CETRI will provide valuable input regarding, data gathering from TPV controls, software support, wireless sensors, wireless sensor integration, incorporation and testing of interface, safety guidelines input in the RSI, verification of retrofitting suggestion interface (RSI), RSI testing and demonstration and integration of out-of-project components to the RSI. CETRI will also provide support concerning knowledge management and IPR protection and future funding & investment plans. Finally CETRI will contribute to the dissemination and communication activities of the project
