The consortium will meet in Naples to review project progress, followed by a demo site visit to Benevento and the workshop “Sustainable Constructions: Solutions from Circular Economy”, in Bari.
October 2019 will see an exciting few days as partners meet for month 37 of the Green INSTRUCT project.
Discussions will begin on October 22nd in Naples, Italy, where the consortium will review project progress alongside technical and scientific details for future Green Instruct strategies. Partners will have the opportunity to present work package, deliverable and financial updates from 36M, including green wall development, validation of panel integration and a review of LCA-LCC progress. This will allow other members of the consortium to share comments and suggestions, discussing the direction dissemination activities will take, alongside actions required for the progression of demo activities, measurements and data analysis over the next 6 months.
Following on from Naples, partners will travel to the demo site in Benevento on the 23rd. The demo site will host “The Green Instruct Panel” which will check panel features, the site monitoring, discuss material technical specifications and draw comparisons with the second demo site in Seville (visible in image below). The difference between demo sites (present in their system assembly) will give partners a better understanding of the progress Green Instruct technology is making and where potential changes could be made to optimise processes, reduce financial costs and increase efficiency.
The consortium will then move to a workshop in Bari, Italy as part of the SAIE Bari event, on the 24th of October 2019. The workshop is titled “Sustainable Constructions: Solutions from Circular Economy” and will run from 9am to 2pm. Within the workshop, discussions will be held on three main topics: 1) Circular Success Stories (RE4 project and Green Instruct project), 2) Technical Solutions – Circular Economy in Practice (Construction and Demolition Waste Recovery Process, new sustainable construction materials and components and solutions tested in real environments) and 3) Circularity for Sustainable Solutions.
Both the demo site visit and the Bari workshop will be shared with the RE4 project meeting, making it of great importance that as many project partners attend as possible. This collaborative Green Instruct meeting, in month 37, will be a fantastic opportunity to exchange ideas, improvements and updates on progress within the consortium.
To find out more about the SAIE Bari event, please see the link below.