Green INSTRUCT, in collaboration with 3 other H2020 projects: InnoWEE, VEEP and RE4 is co-organising the ConWEEB “Converting Construction Waste into Energy Efficient Buildings” free workshop, during the EU Green WEEK in Brussels on the 24th May 2018. ConWEEB Workshop will present innovative solutions for converting construction and demolition waste (CDW) into new prefabricated elements for better energy efficiency of buildings. The workshop is divided into three (3) thematic sessions like: selection of CDW for recycling; characterization of the materials obtained from processing the CDW; and presentation of the design of the new prefabricated solutions. You could see, how CDW can be use easily again in innovative ways for energy-efficient aims! The ConWEEB brings together companies (Large and SME’s) and research institutes to discuss sustainable solutions under several themes including: selection of CDW for recycling, characterization of the materials obtained from processing the CDW and presentation of the design of the new prefabricated solutions. ConWEEB is the opportunity to gathers Entrepreneurs and Experts from Construction / Building sector, focused on energy-efficient solutions, and interested in connecting and discover future opportunities, as well as for future business in the Green Buildings field. Welcome Speech by Mr. Jean Christophe VANDERHAEGEN (Brussels Confederation of Construction).
More information in the dedicated Agenda, Abstract, Linkedin group & Twitter account.