On Friday 18th October 2019, Brunel University London hosted a joint workshop on the Valorisation of Construction and Industry Waste for Resilient Infrastructure as part of their UKIERI-DST project with the Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras) entitled ‘A New Framework of High-value Added Zero-waste Recycling of Concrete from Construction and Demolition Waste’. Over the course of one day, researchers from Brunel University London and IIT Madras presented and discussed their research experience, recent findings and the key challenges associated with construction and industry waste recycling to an audience of academics and students.

Prof Xiangming Zhou giving a presentation

Dr Shaoqin Ruan from Brunel University London giving a talk
During the workshop, Prof Xiangming Zhou, co-ordinator of the Green INSTRUCT project, gave a presentation entitled “Valorisation of Construction & Demolition Waste into Energy Efficient Buildings – A Review of Green INSTRUCT project”, which summarised the latest research outputs of the Green INSTRUCT project. Dr Shaoqin Ruan, a Research Fellow with the Green INSTRUCT project from Brunel University London, also gave a talk about “Sustainable Alkali Activation of Calcined Clay with Quicklime and Reactive Magnesia as a New Type of Concrete”. The talk was related with the use of additives such as reactive magnesia or quicklime to improve the mechanical performance of calcined clay.
The researchers from IIT Madras also gave compelling presentations on the current climate of construction and demolition waste recycling in India and their most recent research findings regarding the valorisation of recycled aggregates from waste concrete and its potential uses in road and pavement construction.
A round-table discussion was held following the presentations, initiating an excellent dialogue between the two institutions and providing an excellent platform to disseminate the knowledge of Green INSTRUCT project. The IIT Madras team have expressed strong interests of Green INSTRUCT project.

Mr Ram Venkataraman Guru from IIT Madras giving a talk