The third and last workshop took place on 20th of February 2020 in Vienna (former Sophienspital – Apollogasse 19). This workshop was titled “Urban Green Connect” and organized by Alchemia-nova together with their subcontractor Ecofairbau (former Ecoforma). Architects, constructors, scientists, developers, urban planners and other stakeholders were invited.
The aim of this workshop was to support the internalisation strategies and possible replicability and to support a high dissemination level and a possible market penetration.

There was a possibility for people to use the open stage for a five-minute speech about their experience and knowledge with urban greening. Finally, twelve people from different fields joined the workshop: five architects, two landscape architects, two people from the city administration of Vienna (MA22 environmental protection and administration of the 7th district) and three people from the university of life sciences. Discussions regarding healthy living spaces and influences of environmental factors on human health have took place during the session. Results of the air quality measurements relating to the green panels that they did for the GI-project were also presented. Furthermore, Alchemia-nova brought out the possibilities of implementing nature-based solutions and circular economy in cities and presented the Green INSTRUCT project as a possible solution.

A big focus was on the green wall which was shown by using a prototype for demonstration purposes to explain the function for greywater treatment.
Towards the end, there was a workshop where the possible drivers and barriers of the Green INSTRUCT panel were discussed with a focus on market penetration strategies including internationalization strategies and possible regional replicability.